Monday, 17 October 2011


I'm sure that if I study hard now, I can still get good grades this semester.
I'm sure if I look hard now, I can still find a job, whether it be part time work over the summer, or a permanent position with a salary.
I'm sure if I work hard now, I can regain my fitness, build up my strength, and become healthy again.
I'm sure I can still find the courage within me to propel myself into society, whether it be to work, to live alone, or to socialise and meet new people.
I'm sure if I set my mind to it, things will work out. I will find a good stable job, the right girl, and the respect and approval from my parents which I so desperately crave. I will be able to develop the skills that will allow me to live a successful, happy life.

I just need to believe in myself. I need to motivate myself. Discipline myself. Control myself.
I need to stop playing Starcraft. I need to stop being disillusioned with society. It is a big, ruthless, and fiercely competitive world out there. If I cannot offer the skills and experiences a company looks for, they will mercilessly reject me. Its every man for himself, and money doesnt grow on trees. My parents won't protect me forever. I need to pull my life together.

In the years ahead, I will probably get hurt, get rejected, get embarrassed, get discriminated against, get robbed, get beaten down.
I will cry, I will sweat, I will bleed, and I might even die.

But if everyone else can make it through, so can I.

If there is a will, there is a way.

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