Friday, 2 May 2014

Life goals

The best thing about being an adult is that you have total control over your life. It means that you can do whatever you want and pursue whatever you desire. It also means that you must take complete responsibility for all your actions and their consequences; you can no longer blame your parents or family for something that happens or for not being able to do something you always wanted to.

Armed with the knowledge that my parents no longer have any control over my life and that I do not owe it to them to do anything (other than pay my dues as a son should), I feel very excited about the future. There are so many things I want to do with my life, so many possibilities, and I am the one that can make it all happen.

I think in the next ten years, I envisage one of two scenarios for my life:
1. I have married and settled down in Australia; or
2. I am living in the south coast of France, chatting with beautiful French girls in fluent French while drinking French wine. Or maybe I'll be kicking it in Germany as a promising Environmental Engineer. Or in Sweden. Or the Netherlands.

Either way, it is my goal to make one of those two above scenarios happen in the next 10 years. There will be no excuses not to make it happen. I will no longer able to blame my parents for holding me back, or blame youth for being the source of my ineptitude. I am solely responsible for what happens in my life now. and fate.

Also, it has always been my dream to attend Oxford. Perhaps one day I will be able to make it a reality.


    It's the place I've always wanted to go to.
    Don't go to Oxford... I hate ppl who go to Oxford and leave me here. I feel like Spiderman... but I can't shoot webs (if you've seen the recent one you'll know why). I've always wondered why Spiderman doesn't shoot webs out of his ass like he should.

    Fate and me*

    I love Emma Stone.
    Derp. Sorry for ruining your post with my comments.
    Too bad. I have no one else to annoy.

    1. And go listen to this... just do it.

    2. I take that back... watch this instead

    3. Lol Finland is cool, but its too cold I reckon, although so is Sweden I suppose, but I always really wanted to go to Sweden.

      And it has always been my dream to go to Oxford, because American universities are overrated.

      And what has those two songs got to do with anything lol? Other than the fact that I like both songs very much that is...
