Saturday, 19 October 2013






我真正想说的就是,我的坚持让我得到了在我心中是女神的女孩,可是我却未能享受我所渴望的幸福。 我对这一点抱怨了生命,也抱怨了我自己,为何做出了出国的决定?可是,我至今还是觉得这是对的决定,因为我要成为一个优秀的男人,这样才能将来给她创造更好的条件。我希望我做出的决定经过时间的考验,仍然会是对的。我希望后年等她硕士毕业了,我们的二人生活就可以终于开始了。虽然还要坚持一年多的异地恋,可是我觉得只要将来能在一起,还是值得的。我希望现在我们的等待,牺牲,和痛苦,都是值得的。我觉得难以得来的东西,才让人们懂得去珍惜;品尝了痛苦的滋味,才懂得什么叫幸福。我相信,只要有付出,就有应当的回报。

Update on Melbourne

So I got my first paycheck yesterday. It's not much but it felt pretty good to finally be earning money. I've dreamed of this day for quite a while now and for me personally, its a big achievement. I know many people have been earning money since they were 15, but all the money I've ever received were either from working for my parents or student allowance from studylink. This is the first time I've received money from an outside source for my hard work, and it truly feels rewarding.

However working at least 20hrs a week and studying full time is really taking its toll on me. I'm stressed as hell but often I just don't have the energy or capacity to do anymore learning after a days work. I felt literally brain dead on Wednesday after 6 hrs of work and 3 hrs of class, all on 6 hrs sleep the previous night. Life is really hard at the moment and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to get through the next 3 weeks.

Also lately I've been feeling really lonely. I constantly crave attention or companionship, but I just don't really have people that I can just text and hang out with like I have in Auckland. I only have 2 close friends here which I can hang out on a constant basis, but its not like I can see them all the time, so I'm still by myself most of the time.

I think the long distance is really getting to me as well. I feel like I'm close to reaching the breaking point where I can't handle being away from her any longer. Especially in stressful times like this, not having her by my side to support and care for me makes things even harder.

I'm coming to realise more and more lately that I am a person that enjoys social interaction. I used to think that I was slightly introverted, but now I feel like I thrive off of companionship and socialising with people, and find it hard to be alone. This may have something do to with the fact that usually alone time means study time, and thus I associate negative emotions with being by myself. I don't know. What I do know is that I'm stressed and I'm lonely and I don't know how much more of this I can take.

But this is such a critical period and so much pressure and hope and dreams is dependent on the next 3 weeks, I really can't afford to fuck this up. My history has shown that I was never a particularly strong or disciplined person, but I guess now is as good a time as any to prove that wrong once and for all. Just one more month and then it's all over. It's time to show my true fighting spirit!

Friday, 18 October 2013

How to summon the polaroid fairy

1. Be attractive
2. Be female
3. Have a birthday celebration (even if it's not your birthday)
4. Have lots of free food available
5. Call his name and he will appear with a brand new polaroid.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Mum, Dad, have I finally made you proud yet?

I think there is one thing that every son and daughter have in common, and that is the desire to make their parents proud. No matter whether it's getting a sticker for good behavior or getting a 6 figure job, we all want to watch our parents faces light up and see their eyes fill with pride. No matter whether you're a homeless person or the president of the USA, on some level, at some point in your life, you wished to make your parents proud of your achievements.

I'm sure a psychologist will break down and rationalise this innate desire that we all possess, and provide some reasoning behind this. But who gives a shit; the point is, we all feel it.

We all struggle to deal with our parents expectations. Some are better at dealing with it than others, and have found some form of balance or middle ground. Others are pressured or forced into doing things that conflict with their own interests and desires.

For me personally, I have been fortunate enough that I was never forced into doing anything I don't like. However, the need to live up to my parents expectations has always tormented me ever since my teenage years. Maybe it's the scar between my dads brow which makes it look like its constantly furrowed and that hes always angry or displeased, but I've always felt a desperate desire to make him happy. This often comes into conflict with my desire to make myself happy, and this has resulted in drama on numerous occassions (as some of you probably know). I guess I have father issues?

Either way, I've always wanted to make my parents proud, but my achievements always seem to get outdone by my failures. I would have one small achievement, give them hope, and then let them down even more. But being parents, they never quite give up on you, and will cling on to any bit of hope you give them. So when I announced that I wanted to study in Melbourne, even though it would cost $25k in fees alone, they happily paid it for me. I guess for them as parents, they wanted to reassure themselves that they did their best. The rest was up to me.

But even coming to Melbourne, being able to cook and look after myself while getting good academic results wasn't good enough for them. I still didn't have a job.

I would dread the phone call home every weekend because I know the topic would inevitably fall on my job hunt. The pressure was quite intense and sometimes I thought I wouldn't be able to hack it. I asked them when would I ever be able to satisfy them, when would they finally be content with my achievements, and the answer was that when I had a job.

Well recently, I found a job with the EPA which I am currently interning at. It's only a temporary position and it's just for 3 days a week, but hopefully it will turn into something more permanent in the future. The good news is, I actually like going to work, and the pay is good. The bad news is, I have to work up to 24 hrs a week while still managing a full study workload.

When I got the job, I was really happy. I was happy that I could finally make some money, that finally someone decided to give me a chance to show my true potential, that finally I found a job related to what i study. But the thought that seemed to predominate my mind was: Mum, Dad, have I finally made you proud yet?

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Some gloomy thoughts

Spent the last 3 hours reading about American serial-killers after watching Silence of the Lambs. Now I've been left feeling traumatised and have completely lost faith in humanity. What's most scary is that many of these killers look and behave like normal people, so you had no idea that inside they were depraved and completely fucked up. What's more incredulous is that they are still treated like human beings after being convicted, despite everything they've done. They are interviewed, allowed to see family, dress up nicely in suits and everything. It's like they're perfectly human, yet inside they're monsters. They seem to have no trouble killing, mutilating, and dismembering their victims. Some of them even perform necrophilia.

But then again, we decapitate the heads off fish, squash ants, butcher cows and sheep and eat their meat, skin animals while they're still alive to take their fur, all like its a normal part of life. The only difference between us and serial killers seems to be that we don't do it to our own species. Yet people kill each other all the time, in the name of God, in the name of country, or even in the name of peace. If you really think about it, human beings are fucked up and the nature of reality is cruel. It's a bloody violent world where life and death are constantly happening and survival of the fittest is the only true law that every living organism abides by.

I guess im just in a gloomy mood today. There are obviously also many beautiful and redeeming features of this world. To delve into the dark side of it all and truly understand the cruel nature of reality would drive any human being mad. I guess that's why they say ignorance is bliss.

But seriously, we live in a fucked up world with dangers all around us and people need to be aware of these risks. Im not saying that you should live life constantly in fear of everything so much that it will prevent you from enjoying it (cause wouldn't that be a fate worse than death?), but you can never be too careful. Sometimes life or death rests in one simple decision.