Monday, 20 February 2012

"如果要告别, 如果今夜就要和一切告别
如果你只能打一通电话, 你会拨给谁?"

Lol this line gets me every fucking time.

Sometimes, a single decision can transform your entire life.
Sometimes, lack of action can have even more drastic repercussions.
A friend recently told me that she was disappointed with her university experience, not necessarily because the institution and the lifestyle that comes with it is shit, but rather because of how she chose to approach it.
I feel that the past 3 years of my life have been somewhat bitterly disappointing. Walking up the marble steps of IC today for the 4th year in a row, i couldn't help but look at the first years running around with their blue UoA bags with a touch of envy. I feel slightly ashamed of my seniority, because i am still stuck at the same institution after my designated 3 years, while others have taken flight to embark on a new adventure and chase their dreams elsewhere. It is as if i have been walking through a maze all these years, and time after time i have made the wrong turn, only to be met with a dead end. It has already been 3 years, and i am still miles away from the promised land of a fulfilling career. How i wish i could be a freshman again while knowing what i  know now. How i wish i could start all over again.

"会不会 有一天 时间真的能倒退
退回 你的我的 回不去的 悠悠的岁月?"

I really wish i could go on the road trip. It'll be the first of its kind with this group of friends, and i think the memories made will last a long time. However sometimes sacrifices have to be made. With uni looming so close, i think this is the mature thing to do. I'd hate to upset my parents again. I hope that my decision to not go will be a show of my determination to work hard this year. It will be the first of many sacrifices. Maybe it'll all be worth it in the end, maybe not. But i believe this is the right thing to do.

I was watching 老男孩 again today. I think it tells a story that each and every one of us can relate to. It is a story about the precious and irrevocable nature of time and youth (the best gift in life) and how they are often squandered foolishly and naively. It is a story about the pains and sorrows of life as we lose those that we love and care for, and as we fail to achieve our dreams. However rather than fading with time, dreams become more precious as we grow older, and we should never let go of them. No matter what direction we have taken, in the end we are all heading in one direction. And while we may not be able to live the life that we all have dreamt of, we still have lived. We've still experienced every moment of joy, happiness, pain and sorrow. And we will have a full album of memories to reminisce. I think that everyone of us are very brave. That despite all of life's failures, disappointments, bitterness, and horrors, we are still able to greet each other with a smile.

 Listen to this song, the lyrics are fucking beautiful. I will sing this at my graduation.

I believe that the most precious things in life are the people in our lives, and the time that we spend with them. Our family, our friends, our colleagues. Even the strangers that we have chance encounters with. So cherish every little moment, make the most of your life, don't squander your youth, and never let go of your dreams.

peace out.


  1. This is Krystina this time. :3 is still not attractive. But this is really sweet. It really made me realize how I'm wasting my life away. *sigh* Thanks for making me depressed. Maybe this year I need to make some changes. You should keep writing posts like this, it really gets to the reader. :)

    1. lol krys, i hope this is the last time i have to write a depressing post like this. and what do you mean YOU'RE wasting your life away?? youre going to australia to study law on a scholarship, and youre only 18! i would give anything to have your life! what you need to do is keep studying hard, and become someone great. i have faith in you!

  2. Btw bro I don't have anymore texts that's why I couldn't reply. But keep writing. This is good stuff :)

  3. Sometimes I am so proud of you for taking in some of the things I've told you... sometimes I just want to bitch slap you in the freaken face!

    As a man to a man, please gradually lessen the crying and do more fighting~

    As I've told a few people... have a little faith. If you work at it, it will be alright. Just use your blogging time wisely and learn to plan ahead.

    If you have something coming up, plan for it... that way you will be ready, you won't feel guilty and your parents won't have any shit to say.

    For the time being, sometimes you just have to stare at them in the face and say: "爸,现在的情节已经是这样了。如今能做的也都做了,将来的努力是由我自己判定的。作为一个成年人,你的唠叨也失去了从前的效率,还不如让我自己创下一番事业,让我以后的成功弥补你现在的不满。我有我自己的路程要走,我只希望你能相信我可以管好我自己。"

    1. lol where do you see me crying in this post?
      this post is just a way for me to reflect on these past few years and condition my mind for the future.

  4. ... but, I love that song. Still twists me inside a bit every time I hear it... and you're definitely right about the most precious things in life. Just live life facing forward... keep the past safe in your memeories where you can enjoy forever.
