Monday, 30 May 2011


You're going to be my salvation.
You're going to be my demise.
Relinquish your power over me,
Free me from your vice.
A single smile can lift me up.
A single syllable can bring me down.
If you don't have a little mercy,
A life of loneliness, I am bound.
Will I ever find the key,
That unlocks your heart?
Or will you never cease
To tear me apart?
They say that men are from Mars,
And women are from Venus.
If we're truly different species,
What is the point of having a penis?
I would give you my everything,
I would give you my all.
Hell, I'd even give you my life,
Just to break your fall.
So please make it easier for the both of us.
All i need you to do is meet me halfway.
Our unnecessary suffering can easily be ended,
If you just say yes to our little date.

1 comment:

  1. Okay i changed the 4th line seeing as demise wasnt pronounced (de-meece), so it wouldnt rhyme with please.
