Wednesday, 25 September 2013

And so another batch of eager young cookies venture out into the world, hungry to make their mark

Lol so my FB feed has been rather molested today by graduation statuses and photos. It nice to see everyone so happy and full of hopeful, and all this hype about graduation is making me excited about my own imminent graduation.

In less than 2 months I will have finished all my assessments for my Masters. Its been a long and rocky journey, but it seems like I will be emerging from the other side rather unscathed. Maybe this time I will finally don the graduation gown and join in the festivities as I feel like I actually have something worth celebrating about. My Bachelors of Science was tragic enough to warrant a Shakespeare play written after it and I wish I could erase it from the memories of this world, but I can't. What's done has been done. I will have to live with my mistakes for the rest of my life because your uni grades are for life. However im glad that I've still managed to turn things around somewhat in the last two years, so I haven't thrown my life away completely. I guess it goes to show that its never too late to turn your life around.

I am excited about graduating because of the uncertainties and the possibilities that will follow. No matter what I choose to do now, Im pretty much on my own and will have to find a way to support myself. No matter what I will end up doing next year, be it working or doing a PhD, this marks the end of another chapter of my life. I feel thankful for the second chance life has given me, allowing me to do Postgrad, and then Masters at Melbourne. I am also thankful for my parents continuous support, no matter what choices I make (as long as they're good).

I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel now. No matter how tough the next two months is going to be (and it will be), I hope I can find the strength and will power to push through and end all of this on a good note. Fight on :)

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