Tuesday, 14 August 2012

So after more than a year...

i've once again signed on to another $15/month donation plan, this time with UNICEF.
I'm not entirely sure what compelled me to do that.
Maybe i just didn't want to say no to the fundraiser.
Maybe he was really persuasive and genuine.
Maybe i got swindled again.
Maybe i just want to gain some good karma.
Or maybe i've just regained my faith in the world. Regained faith in myself.

I don't know. I guess it was because on the bus on my way to uni, i saw a graffitti on the wall. It was an image of a white boy sitting by a pond, fishing without a care in the world. This was contrasted by an image a few metres away of a black boy in a bandana brandishing an AK-47. The symbolism was not lost on me. I thought to myself: "This is the world we live in."

So maybe, the real reason i decided to become a donor again, is because I don't really like the world we live in. And while many people of our generation today may feel satisfied by simply liking and sharing photos of starving African children on FB in the belief that their efforts will amount to something, maybe I just wanted to make a difference that's more substantial.

I guess what im really trying to say is, i think i've recovered a fragment of my old self - the person who wanted to save the environment and fix this world's problems. The person who gave a fuck. I guess i've regained a little belief in life again.

UNICEF isn't the most efficient international aid agency out there. But that's not really the point. The point is about choosing to be a little less selfish again. 50cents a day really isn't much, but it beats spending it on a cigarette. In a way, im saving two lives.

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