Sunday, 26 August 2012

So much has been happening lately

but i don't really want to talk about it, cause a smart man knows when to keep the good things to himself~ Not that im smart or anything.

I'd just like to say: "thank god there are still good people in this world!"
So last night due to my own stupidity, my car ran out of battery. I was in the middle of Browns Bay more than 20km away from home or any of my friends, and to top it all off, it was 12am and it was fucking freezing outside.

I started to panic. I thought i was screwed. Done for. I'd have to call my parents out during the middle of the night to come and jump start my car cause surely none of my friends would be bothered enough to come out and get me (except for that time Donald came out to jump start my car one time and which i will always remember).

Then i saw that one of the nearby houses had their lights on. Having a random person come knocking on their door at 12am, surely i'd be lucky if they didn't pull a shotgun on me, let alone help jump start my car. It was a long shot, but i was desperate. So i knocked on their door and a small malaysian couple answered. I explained my situation and miraculously, they agreed to help me.

It was an amazing act of generosity. Like seriously. When you're knee deep in shit and a stranger is willing to lend a hand out to help you even though they won't be getting anything back, it's so heartwarming. I guess it goes to show not everyone in this world is evil and selfish.

Faith in this world: restored.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Wish everyone a happy Chinese Valentines =]

我 想带你骑单车
我 想和你看棒球
唱着歌 一直走
你 靠着我的肩膀
你 在我胸口睡着
我爱你 你爱我
想 简!简!单!单! 爱...
想 简!简!单!单! 爱...

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

The news is so depressing these days

All you read about is people getting killed in accidents, children getting sexually abused (some by their own teachers), murders, rapes, robberies, and injuries.

Of course, it's important to report these things, because after all we have a right to know about the dangers out there. But it's just so damn depressing reading them all the time. I mean is this all there is to life? But despite the bias in these stories, the reality is that we DO live in  a dangerous world.

Just last friday, my friend walked out into the intersection thinking it was safe to cross when the lights merely went yellow. Had i not reacted fast enough and pulled her into my arms, she might've been hit by the car that sped past a moment later.

You see in movies all the time of the guy pulling the girl into his arms as shes about to get hit by a vechile and saves her life and it seems romantic and all, but in reality i was scared fucking shitless.

The reality was that i could've lost her, just in an instant. One moment we could be chatting happily, and the next she could be seriously injured or worse. It's made me realise how fragile life really is, and that at every moment tragedy is waiting around the corner to pounce on you, as soon as your guard slips for a fraction of a second.

It's also made me realise my responsiblities as a man. She has placed her trust in me, so I have a duty to protect her from the dangers of this world. I guess this is also a part of growing up - learning to protect those people that you care about.

So be careful everyone, and be safe!

Monday, 20 August 2012




Thursday, 16 August 2012

Every morning I'm embroiled in a battle.

It's a battle with myself. A battle to summon enough courage to face a new day, to face the world, to study, to complete my duties. It's a steep battle that i am never guaranteed to win. But nonetheless i try. At times when I'm on the brink of defeat; when i just want to stay at home and watch TV for a whole day, or spend my entire day at the internet cafe; when i want to neglect all my responsibilities and hide from the world; i think about my dream; i think about my future; i think about her, and somehow i manage to find the strength within me to cling on to the fight. I slip on my shoes, wrap my bag around me, put on a grimace, and step over the threshold into the sunlight.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

So after more than a year...

i've once again signed on to another $15/month donation plan, this time with UNICEF.
I'm not entirely sure what compelled me to do that.
Maybe i just didn't want to say no to the fundraiser.
Maybe he was really persuasive and genuine.
Maybe i got swindled again.
Maybe i just want to gain some good karma.
Or maybe i've just regained my faith in the world. Regained faith in myself.

I don't know. I guess it was because on the bus on my way to uni, i saw a graffitti on the wall. It was an image of a white boy sitting by a pond, fishing without a care in the world. This was contrasted by an image a few metres away of a black boy in a bandana brandishing an AK-47. The symbolism was not lost on me. I thought to myself: "This is the world we live in."

So maybe, the real reason i decided to become a donor again, is because I don't really like the world we live in. And while many people of our generation today may feel satisfied by simply liking and sharing photos of starving African children on FB in the belief that their efforts will amount to something, maybe I just wanted to make a difference that's more substantial.

I guess what im really trying to say is, i think i've recovered a fragment of my old self - the person who wanted to save the environment and fix this world's problems. The person who gave a fuck. I guess i've regained a little belief in life again.

UNICEF isn't the most efficient international aid agency out there. But that's not really the point. The point is about choosing to be a little less selfish again. 50cents a day really isn't much, but it beats spending it on a cigarette. In a way, im saving two lives.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Why does time pass so slowly when you're studying =.="


Speaking of exploding heads, if Nick's head exploded would it be like today's Tongariro eruption?

I think i know why the gym is so crowded these days, everyone is inspired to exercise by the Olympics!

I wish i was the best at something in the world, or even just in my country. Even if its something obscure and irrelevant. Im not even the best at procrastinating, but im pretty damn good ;D

Okay back to study now...

Sunday, 5 August 2012

This is the last time i will destroy something of my own because of an argument with my parents

Today my dad hit me. I suppose i deserved it. I kept playing starcraft despite him warning me not to, and he finally snapped. I've never seen him so angry before in my life. Yet somehow, i didn't feel upset or angry at all. He threatened to destroy my laptop, and in response, that's what i did. I smashed it to peices. Im not sitting here bragging, nor am i lamenting the loss of my laptop. That's not to say it wasn't precious to me. My laptop was one of my most prized possessions. We spent thousands of hours together over the past 3 years. But it seemed like the rational decision to make at the time. I backed up all my important files, then i destroyed my own laptop. It's stupid and immature really. It's not the first time this has happened - destroying something of my own to get back at my parents. The only person i end up hurting is myself. That's why, this will be the last time i destroy something precious to me because of conflict with my parents.

But on the bright side, i can't play starcraft ever again.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Its so hard to concentrate

Lately, i feel i've had alot of hate within me.
Alot of hate and pent up anger.
These negative emotions have served as the fuel that feeds the fire burning inside of me, motivating me and driving me with an almost fervent zeal to study.
It's as if i have a grudge against the world, and feel the desperate and sick need to prove myself.
I know this is wrong.
I don't have to prove anything to anyone.
But I can't help myself.
I thirst for success.
I hunger for it.
I crave it.
I NEED it.
I feel the need to prove myself to the world, to all those people who ever doubted me.
Prove myself to those people who looked down on me, who thought i wasn't good enough.
A part of me wants to be the guy, who people will hear about on television, or read about in the newspaper, and they'd say "wow, i used to know that guy."
Its as if to enact retribution, vengeance, revenge.
I know this isn't right.
It's not like ive been wronged.
Yet somehow i can't shake the feeling of indignation.
Nothing good will come out of a mindset like this.
There will be no happiness at the end of this road, only emptiness.
I wish i could absolve my hatred.
I wish i could let go of my anger.
I wish i could wake up one morning and know that my soul is free from the shadows of these shackles.
But I can't help myself.
This is what i've become.

Thursday, 2 August 2012