Tuesday, 15 November 2011

My rabbit's gone.

Fuck the bastards that took it, be it animal or human.
It was still a juvenile for fucks sake.


  1. no idea. it was just gone today. we spent the whole sunday morning building a pen for it. there was no gaps and the walls were high, so pretty damn sure it didnt get out by itself. so it was either someone or something that took it.

  2. oh... no roof for the pen?
    probably got taken out... but then again, you'd be surprised how high animals can jump if they get desperate to get out

  3. yea no roof...
    it seemed pretty happy there. cause once during when we still kept it in the box, it clawed its way out during the night cause there was no food left. and in the morning we just found it sitting patiently on top of the box waiting for us. sigh

  4. the people downstairs didn't hear anything?? (or steal it?!?!?!)

  5. haha nah the indians are cool. either neighbours/passerbys or cats that took it
