Monday, 3 February 2014

So its the year of the horse...

And in the wake of horse puns spurring all of us to success, I have left my old job at EPA and galloped into a new one (pun intended). Its a 4 month full time casual contract with a contaminated soil treatment facility as Junior Environmental Engineer. My goal of becoming an environmental engineer has finally been realised! (for now).

So today was my first day. I had to get up at 5:50am because the facility is located 50km from where i currently live. I have to bike to the train station, take the train into CBD, transfer to another train there, then finally bike from the train station to the facility. The whole trip takes 2 hours, and consists of a 7km bike ride, some of which is over unpaved grass "paths". Then I have to do it again after work.

As bad as I think that is, apparently 2 hour commutes to work are normal in China, so really I dont have much to complain about. The things we do for our dreams aye?

Other than that, today was pretty good. The office is made up of 8 people in total, excluding me. Of the 8, 6 of them are executive management roles, so other than a receptionist chick and a secretary lady, im like the only normal employee in the office. The execs all have their own offices, so its just me in the communal working area, which is kinda weird lol. The good thing is, I have a bunch of very highly qualified industry experts to mentor me.

On the bright side, I will be moving in 3 weeks to a place much closer. It is in a better part of Melbourne and it will reduce my travel time by half. If you don't know already, Nick is also moving to Melbourne, so the two of us will be flatting together. I found (with the help of Jeannie) a nice two bedroom apartment thats fully furnished, so looking forward to when we move in.

Since its a new year, I will also make some new years resolutions:

1. Stay smokefree (have been for the last 2 months)
2. Get fit and healthy
3. Make my relationship even stronger
4. Save up money
5. Find a more permanent job (as much as I'd like to work in a variety of places).

Wish you all a happy new year and 祝你马到成功,马上发财,早开宝马!!

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