Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Finding a job is like finding a girlfriend

You're always on the lookout for vacancies.
When you find one that you believe you have the suitable qualifications for, you go for it.
You find out as much as you can about it, you do your homework.
Then you polish up your resume, and you put on a new cover letter.
And when you've done all your preparation, you apply for it.

Sometimes you will get outright rejected.
The nice ones will send you a message saying you don't meet the requirements, but should stay on the mailing list in case another opportunity arises.
The mean ones don't bother replying at all.

But if you're lucky, you will make it to the next stage.
Then the preparation starts all over again.
You practice your lines in front of the mirror, going over every situation in your head, and how you could respond confidently and in a witty fashion.
You put on some fancy clothes, and you spend hours on your appearance.
You ask your friends for advice.
Maybe you'll even ask your parents for advice.
You tell yourself you are confident, you are capable, you are smart, you can do this.
Then you go and have the talk.

This is where most people will fall short.
After all, they're only looking for one person in a sea of applicants.
But if you're persistent.
If you keep seeking.
And you keep trying.
And you keep applying.
Eventually, one day, you will find the job that is just right for you.
A job that will be willing to accept you, for who you are.
Despite all your flaws and the mistakes you've made in the past.
Despite your lack of experience and mediocre academic history.
They will take you.
And you will be that one lucky guy who got the job.

In the end, its not about getting your dream job.
Its about finding the one that most suits you.
Then you'll realise that this is what you've been looking for the entire time.
But, if you don't seek, you won't find.

I will find the right job!


  1. Now here's a piece of writing that I want to show my kids when they get to my age.

    1. haha thanks :D
      lol "kids, im going to tell you the story of how i got my job"

  2. Lol nice :)

    And I must add, if a job is particularly difficult to get, it's not a bad idea to volunteer first without any expectations of employment (i.e. be her friend first) so they can see first hand what a great person you are.

    1. hahaha yea, although then you run the risk of being permanently regarded as a volunteer (ie friendzoned) :p

  3. ^(sorry deleted to fix typo)

    Hm I disagree.

    From the first time she sees you, a girl has already decided whether she sees you as bf potential, or not. Only, the more you hang around her will only strengthen her initial opinions -- there's nothing you can do or not do to change that initial opinion.

    Idk, for me at least, nothing repells me away from a guy than one that tries to court you without being a decent friend first. Because there's usually a reason why he was never a friend in the first place.

    Actually, this may not be limited to girls. It is probably true for guys too. I guess my only advice is, get the good ones while they are still free ;)

    1. hahaha reminds me of a joke:"women are like parking spaces - the good ones are all taken; the only free ones are the handicapped..."

    2. Lol, to follow along with that analogy: the close and convenient carparks may be all taken, but you can get a perfectly good (and free) carpark as long as you're prepared to walk ;)
