Thursday, 29 December 2011

I like the letter f

i wish i could write something
so brilliant your mind will unhinge
instead im sitting here staring
into the soft glare of my laptop screen

if only i had the slightest inkling
of what poetry is actually about
i wouldn't look like a fool right now
sitting here trying to rhyme out loud

sleep is the last thing on my agenda
frustration floats to the fore
a bit of alliteration wont do any harm
maybe ill even throw in a metaphor

what is it that people do at 1:30 am
i cannot fathom
i roam the internet aimlessly
a directionless phantom

slowly the frigid fingers of fatigue
pry shut my eyes
my mind finally finds peace
in a soothing harmony of lies.


  1. lol... i don't get it. where does 'f' come into this?

  2. ive used the letter f alot in this post, unintentionally.
    "frustration floats to the fore"
    "frigid fingers of fatigue"
    -> alliteration starting with f
    altogether theres 10 words starting with f
