Thursday, 20 August 2015

In the face of gender issues, there is apparently no middle ground

So today I have learnt something new about myself: that I am apparently a sexist/misogynist. It seems that unlike in religion where you can choose to be atheist or agnostic, in the world of gender inequality, there is no middle ground; you are either a feminist, or a misogynist.
As someone who is well educated and possessing above average intelligence, I have always thought of myself as a freethinker; someone who possess the ability to think critically and appreciate the complexity of the world we live in and the multi-dimensional nature of everything. In other words, someone who can appreciate both sides of the story. In fact one of the most valuable things I've learnt from my years in post-graduate study is the ability to think critically.
I understand that cognitive bias exists in all of us, its impossible to eradicate. However I've always tried to minimise my cognitive bias by trying to think critically and put myself in the shoes of those on both sides of the story.
Up until today, I have never thought of myself as sexist and certainly not misogynist. I don't despise women, I am not prejudiced towards women, and I don't respect a person any less on the basis of their gender. In fact, I whole heartedly believe that there are deep rooted gender inequality issues in third world countries that need to be addressed in order for our modern society to move forward and become even more modern.
Yet it seems that to a self-righteous 'champions' of feminism who has seen themselves as fit to pass moral judgement on another persons orientation on gender issues, I am a misogynist.
So to that I say: okay I am a misogynist. I believe in women having the same civil and human rights as men. I believe in a fair and just social system where ones worth is weighed by merit and hardwork and not by gender or appearances. And above all, I respect women as much as I respect men.
But I am not a feminist. Therefore, I am a misogynist.

But, so is your boyfriend. And your ex-boyfriend. And so is your father, and your grandfather. Your neighbour is most likely a misogynist, your colleague, your boss, and your friends. They are most likely all misogynists. And some of them probably more so than I am.

If I am a misogynist, wait till you get to know the rest of the world.

And to the feminists out there, I ask you this: if you believe so strongly in abolishing all prejudice towards gender, then would you date a guy who wears more make up than you? Would you date a guy that is more sensitive that you? A guy that is skinny and possesses many 'feminine' qualities but non of the 'masculine' qualities that so many women desire? And how would you feel if your father suddenly started wearing mini-skirts and boob tubes or got breast implants? Would you not even bat an eyelid?

Let's face it: at the end of the day, you're a sexist too.